snow-covered river

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” ~ Isaiah 43:19

In February, on one of my walks, I took the picture above.

When I first saw the snow-bed, I said “hmmm…what a beautiful sight…” I actually felt like lying down there for a few seconds – or NOT!😁

Weeell, I thought about it at least…However, in the end, I just took a picture and kept walking.

You see, underneath the snow in the picture lies a beautiful river.  We cannot see it now, but it is there.  It will only become visible when the snow starts to melt.

This is when we may think “oh wow, what a beautiful river!”

But the river was beautiful all along.  It’s just that the river was covered with snow.

What I am trying to convey is that, whether it was the snow-covered river or the river that is snow-free – It did not change the fact that there is a “beautiful river” underneath.

You see, when it comes to the harsh times, it is sometimes difficult for the person going through it to believe that God is still present at those times.

However, I can comfortably speak to the mercy and grace of God in trying times. Why?  Because, I have gone through it.  So, I know that though the picture above may look like a wilderness, underneath all that snow lies “streams of joy!”

In my last post (check it out here…), I wrote about fighting some battles spiritually.  Again, I realize that for more than a year, many of us may have been in “the wilderness state.”

We have been anticipating when things will get better.  We want to be mask-free.  We want to visit family and friends without being so cautious.  Ultimately, we simply just want to get back to our “normal” lives!

We know that this time will come.  However, it is the how and when that is the frustrating part for many of us…

Again, looking at the picture, I am reminded that the harsh winter will not last forever.  I am reminded that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  I am reminded that He (God) never changes.  I am reminded of His promises and faithfulness towards us.

And so, when He says He is doing a new thing – I believe Him!…

Happy New Month!

Be well…

The best is yet to come…